
Arenga engleri

Ravenea glauca isalo

The thermometer is -3.5Ž

It wasn't extremely cold, but the average minimum temperature was below freezing.

Ravenea glauca isaro is dead

Howea belmoreana

Syagrus romanzoffiana


Chamaedorea oblongata

One seedling overwintered

Lytocaryum weddellianum

Parajubaea sunkha

Livistona decora

Phoenix rupicola

Chuniophoenix nana

Washingtonia robusta

Livistona chinensis

Beccariophoenix alfredii

Phoenix roebelenii

Livistona decora



Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi

It took 3 years to germinate

Musa sikkimensis

Planting in the ground

I bought Phoenix roebelenii

Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi and Livistona mariae others planted it in the ground
The palm I bought as the Jubaea in the back was Butia.

True Jubaea


Syagrus romanzoffiana was cut down due to cracks in the trunk.

Syagrus romanzoffiana cannot overwinter due to insufficient temperature.

Syagrus romanzoffiana litoralis

This is the southernmost species of the Romanzoffiana and is slightly more cold tolerant.

Washingtonia robusta

Robusta produces more than 20 leaves in a year.

Musa velutina

Anotogaster sieboldii

Phoenix sylvestris

Livistona australis

Lytocaryum weddellianum

Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi

Wallichia oblongifolia

Felling of plants

The frost protection effect has decreased

Sabal causiarum


parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi

Bagworm feeding damage


Protect from snow with vinyl

Phoenix roebelenii

Please survive the winter somehow

Musa sikkimensis

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana


2010 2011 2012